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Course Details

Room Division & Housekeeping Training
Room Division & Housekeeping

Acting as the nerve center of the entire hotel, the Front Office provides valuable services to the guests during the entire guest cycle from pre-arrival through to departure. This course is an introduction to the organization of the Front Office emphasizing the soft skills needed by the employee to create an outstanding customer service experience.

Housekeeping is essential to the success of any modern hospitality operation and plays a vital role in the delivery of an overall positive customer experience. This course provides an overview of Housekeeping Operations, from planning and scheduling to the technical details of keeping each area clean within a hotel.

This course also covers the fundamentals of laundry operating procedures; from pre-washing, and washing to the final product received at the end of a laundry cycle. The successful student will leave the course with a good understanding of equipment and techniques used in global-standard laundry operations.

Learning Objectives


  • List different types of lodging establishments.
  • Identify and describe various types of guests, and their needs, within the lodging industry.
  • Describe and identify different room types in hotels.
  • Explain the function of the front office and describe the setup of a front office, listing the basic tools and materials used.
  • Recognize the positions and tasks within the Rooms Division departments of different types of lodging establishments.
  • Explain the classification system used for hotels and restaurants.
  • Explain housekeeping operations and their integration in Rooms Division.
  • Identify main housekeeping activities and cleaning requirements for different types of
  • List the various machinery and equipment used in housekeeping operations, their features and functions.
  • Name harmful consequences of defects in various furniture, machinery and equipment.
  • Describe main cleaning products used in housekeeping operations and their optimal usage.
  • Understand and use documents and checklists used in housekeeping
  • Describe the laundry process.
  • Explain the role and importance of the linen and laundry department.
  • Explain the organization of the linen and laundry department.
  • Describe the organizational structure and the main positions of the linen and laundry department.
  • Describe the textile fibers classification with examples.
  • Define the different pieces of textile use in hotels.
  • Identify the main laundry cleaning principles.
  • List the different type of cleaning agents/aids used in a hotel laundry.
  • Explain the use of care labels and symbols on linen and interpret some common ones.
  • Identify the equipment that may be found in an on-premises laundry.


  • Make customers feel welcome when they arrive in any establishment.
  • Identify and meet customers’ needs in accordance with an organization’s standards, procedures and policies.
  • Identify all the various elements of the hospitality & travel industry including all the sub-elements.
  • Establish and maintain effective relationships with colleagues and customers through verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Perform all the activities common to housekeeping operations.
  • Check room equipment and systems according to operational
  • Operate efficiently the various machinery and equipment used in housekeeping operations.
  • Minimize one’s own ecological impact by using the appropriate amount of cleaning products.
  • Work in accordance with the legislation regulating housekeeping operations
  • Perform all the activities common to laundry operations.
  • Operate efficiently the various machinery and equipment used in laundry operations.


  • Recognize the importance of the front office in creating a total customer experience.
  • Appreciate the importance of standards allowing for high-quality service and the link between customer service at the front office and long-term customer satisfaction.
  • Convey a willingness to assist customers in order to exceed customer
  • Explain the importance of the communication process in creating a great customer experience.
  • Analyze strengths and weaknesses of one’s own verbal and non-verbal behavior and develop continuously for the benefit of guests and
  • Demonstrate the ability to work in housekeeping operations both autonomously and in a team, even under stressful circumstances.
  • Discuss the beneficial role of a clean room for guest satisfaction.
  • Understand the importance of the role of housekeeping to provide a quality service in hotel
  • Demonstrate the ability to work in laundry operations both autonomously and in a team, even under stressful circumstances.
  • Discuss the beneficial role of clean linen for guest satisfaction.
  • Understand the importance of the role of the laundry department to provide quality service in hotel operations.

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Start Date
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